Magical thinking and wellbeing workshops

In partnership with Tracey Wise

Learn how to create instant rapport with your younger patients! Learn some magic tricks.

Hear about the psychology of magic and how it is being incorporated into medical education and practice and wellbeing.

All GPs are familiar with the "magical thinking" that people do in terms of their health and wellbeing. The covid19 pandemic has illustrated the magical thinking around practitioner health and wellbeing; doctors are equally vulnerable to infection, or more so considering the higher viral loads to which we are exposed. Both practitioners and patients are guilty of believing in professional mystique, the perception that healthcare practitioners are "super heroes", infallible and invulnerable.
This workshop will consider the use of magic in social prescribing for example supporting the confidence and manual dexterity of young people with cerebral palsy.

For children, motor disorders such as hemiplegia and other forms of paralysis can be physically and socially debilitating. Breathe Magic offers rehabilitation through magic.

Magic can be used to remind us of the importance of the positive emotions of wonder and awe for resilience and wellbeing.
Magician Tracy Wise (writer, speaker, storytelling magician, edutainer and mystorian) will introduce the magic as a means to manage stress, anxiety and social isolation. She will also introduce how magic workshops might benefit those with cognitive decline/dysfunction.
Be inspired to learn some simple magic tricks and indulge in some magical thinking!

Previous participants enjoyed:

Useful to look at things in a different way and also as a visual way of changing patients thoughts and behaviours

Getting involved and learning some magic

Is more physical and visual and was a lot of fun

Also in the facilitation team


Tracey Wise

Magician, writer, speaker, storytelling magician, edutainer, mystorian.