Milagros workshops: a prompt for reflection

Create Milagros and use the creative process as a prompt for reflection regarding our patients and our own experiences.

Milagros, meaning miracle: In Mexico and among Hispanic Americans: a small object, frequently an ornament or piece of jewellery, representing the subject of a petitionary prayer, usually fastened to the image of the Virgin or of a saint to strengthen the petition or to give thanks that the petition has been granted.

Oxford English Dictionary
In this session we will create Milagros and use the creative process as a prompt for reflection regarding our patients and our own experiences.
These objects are often in the shape of an organ or limb of the body and may constitute a petition for healing or a symbol of gratitude. Others in the shape of animals or objects have different meanings. Milagros may be carried as good luck charms. We will consider the metaphorical power of objects and talismans.
It is recognised that small group discussions accompanying art and craft making have a unique quality and generate fresh insights.
Positive psychology research confirms that expressions of gratitude have a positive impact on mental well-being. Expressing gratitude with patients can have a powerful impact on doctor patient interactions and colleagues are more likely to feel valued in a culture where gratitude is expressed. Roger Neighbour author of the “Inner Consultation” is one proponent of the value of expressing gratitude to patients.
Materials; Tin foil and a variety of pens and pencils and blunt implements.
This session can constitute CPD for appraisal as it relates to reflective practice, cultural understanding, arts in health, and self-care. There will be cake.

Previous participants enjoyed:

Having a creative activity helps encourage conversation and generated a feeling of focus on the purpose (hands busy so no phone distraction)

Encouraged me to reflect on my experience and my role. Nice to hear about people’s experiences and art. Feel inspired to look into it more

Interesting way to reflect, using hands and craft enabled different bits of brain to be engaged

Learning about the art form and techniques, sharing experiences. Reminded me of good and positive things.

Whatever we see or experience in our life will linger in the mind and can be reflective.

Just setting aside time to focus on making something whilst in a group, hearing about others experiences

Image courtesy Fishepat000, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons